At the time, the court ruled that the amendment gave the right to US citizens to possess a firearm for traditionally lawful purposes such as self-defence. 66° Saturday, E-Paper A tour through the Lonoke Remington factory By Larry Case For The Register-Herald Where is all the ammo Remington is cranking it out The past. According to information maintained by the Library of Congress, in June 2008, the Supreme Court, for the first time since 1939, issued a decision interpreting the Second Amendment.

Gun control in the US is rooted in the Second Amendment of the country’s Constitution. Even so, while gun ownership is a right throughout the country, laws within different states vary about who can buy a gun. In the US, the right to buy a gun is written in the country’s Constitution and only a few people, such as those with criminal history or mental illness, may find it difficult to own a gun. MaComments Sporting Goods Properties Inc., a subsidiary of the DuPont Corp., intends to excavate and replace sediment from 7.47 acres of the 29-acre site. “…if a Connecticut jury holds Remington responsible for prioritizing its profits over our safety, it lessens the risk that your first grader will die in school or in a movie theater or in a church or anywhere else,” she added. All of these firearms are uniquely identified with a serial number beginning with 'RA'. More specifically, it designed its advertising campaigns to target violence-prone, military-obsessed young men, the exact profile of many mass shooters.” RemArms began producing Remington firearms in April 2021. In an article for the Hartford Courant, Francine Wheeler, mother of one the Sandy Hook victims wrote, “Remington made a decision to market to the general public a product intended only as a military weapon, a deception designed to boost the company’s bottom line.